

A place where time intersects

A place where time intersects

Time is given equally to all people. Life can be said to be an accumulation of time. The "vertical" time is accumulated by each of us. The "horizontal" time that we meet, touch, and spend together changes into a new form.

When time intersects with time, something new is born. In an old house that has accumulated 100 years of time, you may encounter something you have never seen before. We hope that THYME to be such a place.

kominka interior

Exclusive experiences

Art work displayed in a space where the air of 100 years ago flows.
A herb garden with a refreshing scent and a variety of colors.
A spacious wooden deck terrace overlooking the authentic rural landscape of Satoyama.
Various experience programs unique to Miyama.
Guests will find healing that can only be experienced at THYME.

  • Art Experience
    Art Experience

    The walls of THYME are like an art gallery, with wide variety of art works on display, mainly comtemporary art by the owner and manager's late morhter. You may find new inspiration during your stay.

  • Herb Experience
    Herb Experience

    THYME's herb garden is on of its specialty, with about 100 herbs. During harvest season, guests can enjoy picking herbs and making fresh herb tea.

  • Various Experiences
    Various Experiences

    In each activities program, instructors who have mastered their respective fields will provide gentle and careful guidance. The experience at THYME may give you a new perspective on life and living.

  • Dog Field
    Dog Field
    with DOG


    ゆったりとした古民家で 人目を気にせず自分の家のように過ごす贅沢な時間。 宿に併設された、ドッグランやドッグカフェ。 そして美山の大自然を感じながら、近隣を散歩したり・・・ 日常では感じられない、ゆったり時間の流れをお楽しみください。

Various experiences that can only be had at THYME.
Please accumulate your own unique time that you can only experience here!



For Reservation
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